Istanbul Guide



DON’T MISS  Christ as Pantocrator  Virgin and Christ Child  Deesis  Virgin Mary, Emperor John Comnenus II and Empress Eirene  Constantine the Great, PRACTICALITIES  Hagia Sophia  Map p240, F1  % 0212-522 0989, 0212-522 1750  Aya Sofya Meydan ı 1  adult/child under 12yr ₺ 40/free  h 9am-7pm Tue-Sun mid-Apr–mid-Oct, to 5pm mid-Oct–mid-Apr, last entry 1hr before closing  j Sultanahmet  http://ayasofya Virgin Mary and the Emperor Justinian

There are many important monuments in İ stanbul, but this venerable structure – commissioned by the great Byzantine emperor Justinian, consecrated as a church in 537, converted to a mosque by Mehmet the Conqueror in 1453 and declared a museum by Atatürk in 1935 – surpasses the rest due to its innovative architectural form, rich history, religious importance Known as Hagia Sophia in Greek, Sancta Sophia in Latin and the Church of the Divine Wisdom in English, Aya So fya has a history that’s as long as it is fascinating. It was constructed on the site of Byzantium’s acropolis, which was also the site of two earlier churches of the same name, one destroyed by fire and another during the Nika riots of AD 532. On entering his commission for the first time, Jus tinian exclaimed, ‘Glory to God that I have been judged worthy of such a work. Oh Solomon! I have outdone you!’ Entering the building today, his hubris is understand able. The less impressive exterior offers little preparation for the sublimely beautiful interior, with its magnificent domed roof soaring heavenward. Enter the building and walk straight ahead through the outer and inner narthexes to reach the Imperial Door , which is crowned with a striking mosaic of Christ as Pan tocrator (Ruler of All). Christ holds a book that carries the inscription ‘Peace be With You. I am the Light of the and extraordinary beauty. Entering the Building

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