Lonely Planet İstanbul Guide

Jennifer’s Hamam Top-quality hamam items, including towels, peştemals (bath wraps) and keses (exfoliating cloth mittens). Nahıl Felting, lacework, embroidery and all-natural soaps made by economically disadvantaged women in Turkey’s rural areas. Özlem Tuna Artisan-designed and artisan-made jewellery and homewares. Abdulla Natural Products Top-quality soap, towels and wraps. Best for Bath Wares Abdulla Natural Products Olive-oil soaps, cotton towels and a large range of peştemals (bath wraps). Derviş Soaps, towels and wraps to beautify your bathroom. Eyüp Sabri Tuncer Well-priced colognes, soaps and lotions. Jennifer’s Hamam Robes, towels and wraps produced on old-style shuttled looms. Best for Homewares Hamm Stylish showcase of contemporary Turkish furniture and lighting. Hiç Artisan-made rugs, cushions, furniture and ceramics. NYKS Elegantly packaged olive-oil candles. Özlem Tuna Superstylish bowls, coffee cups and platters. Best for Fashion

Antijen Design Sculptural pieces made to measure. Arzu Kaprol Sleek and sophisticated women’s ensembles. Gönul Paksoy Exquisite Ottoman-influenced creations. Misela Ultrafashionable handbags. Vakko İndirim Bargains galore for men and women. Best for Jewellery

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